
The future of EPM is now: why and how your peers leverage OneStream's platform technology

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The future of EPM is now: why and how your peers leverage OneStream's platform technology

Are you currently using a legacy EPM tool, such as Oracle HFM or SAP FC, to manage your consolidation, reporting and/or FP&A processes? Thinking about replacing it with a modern CPM platform?

Considering a move to OneStream but still have some questions in mind, such as:
  • Why switch to a new CPM tool now?
  • Why choose a unified CPM platform? Whate are the benefits?
  • Why makes OneStream unique?
  • Why adopting OneStream now is an investment in the future and an opportunity to address emerging financial challenges?

​​​​​​​On Thursday March, 27th, Inplenion, together with OneStream,is hosting a webinar to explore OneStream’s unique value and why now is the right time to make the switch. The OneStream team will present a live demonstration of the platform, followed by Inplenion experts showcasing a customer success story from a company that adopted OneStream for all its financial processes.
This exclusive session will also be an opportunity to get your questions answered by our Inplenion and OneStream teams!
Register now and join us on March 27th!
Presentation by:

Casper Van Leeuwen, Senior Executive, Inplenion
Simone Mantovani, Senior Solution Consultant, OneStream​​​​​​​

50 minutes

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